Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Semester Reflection

         So far, this semester has gone very well in terms of me enhancing my different skills. Last year I was gone for most of video since I was out of the country but I knew that I wanted to go into video since it's something that I am passionate about. We have had a lot of different projects assigned this year from making a cover story on someone's hobby, an interview, covering the blood drive, and making our own ONW Now segment.

         Some key events were interviewing and recording someone else's hobby or interest. This really helped me expand in my skill set and taught me a lot about myself. It was difficult to have a set date on recording since things could go wrong so it's very important to communicate with your partner and having a back up plan. Things going wrong wasn't in my agenda so it was very stressful and nerve wracking. I was mainly nervous for that project since I didn't know what to expect and how the whole process would work out. Another issue was the staff change. Adjusting to these changes was difficult because it felt like we were behind on our projects and since it felt like we were rushed we couldn't come up with quality work.

       It was a little difficult not having someone work with you on a specific project and stand by you while recording, etc... I always like to have someone there with me to make sure that I have gotten everything correct and wasn't messing up on something. I fixed this problem by going through a checklist in my head and making sure that I didn't forget anything. 

       I learned multiple new concepts that I didn't know about last year. I learned about the two third rule and the 180 degree rule. Software wise I learned many different shortcuts that I did not know about before and I also learned about keywording and favoriting clips to make the editing process go by faster. Another thing I learned was collaborating, leadership, communication, time management, etc... These skills are what is needed in order to efficiently work together with a group of people.
My strengths would definitely be leadership, collaborating,  and communication. 

       In order to improve next semester, I plan on managing my time efficiently and making sure that all my work is great quality and would be something that is interesting. I hope to learn different techniques on Final Cut Pro that will make my videos more interesting and entertaining! Overall, this semester has been a great success. I have made a lot of great relationships with the people around me and also with the new teachers that I have met!

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