Friday, December 18, 2015

Business and Postcards (FINAL)

Creating these business cards included me using many different types of tools like the Quick Selection tool and the pattern making option, etc... I was inspired by my passion for fashion and that is what drove me to make a vogue cover with a model on it. I have always wanted to create my own vogue cover and this was one of the best ways that I could create one. I had to use the quick selection tool to make the font go behind her head. I was really proud of this creation since it looked very professional and sleek. Then I made a circle pattern by using the Make Pattern tool. It took some time to create this since I had to make it perfectly aligned but it worked out very well.

Then I created my postcard which was inspired by a picture on tumblr that I found. I wanted to use warm colors for this to get a fall feel to it. I used a tight font to make it look more modern. To make the moon look good I had to use the minus front tool. I added my logo on each business card and I changed the colors for them to match the card. I also used the same logo font as Vogue did in order to get that professional look. Overall, this was a fun that helped my revise everything that I learned through out the entire semester.

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