Friday, December 18, 2015

Business and Postcards (FINAL)

Creating these business cards included me using many different types of tools like the Quick Selection tool and the pattern making option, etc... I was inspired by my passion for fashion and that is what drove me to make a vogue cover with a model on it. I have always wanted to create my own vogue cover and this was one of the best ways that I could create one. I had to use the quick selection tool to make the font go behind her head. I was really proud of this creation since it looked very professional and sleek. Then I made a circle pattern by using the Make Pattern tool. It took some time to create this since I had to make it perfectly aligned but it worked out very well.

Then I created my postcard which was inspired by a picture on tumblr that I found. I wanted to use warm colors for this to get a fall feel to it. I used a tight font to make it look more modern. To make the moon look good I had to use the minus front tool. I added my logo on each business card and I changed the colors for them to match the card. I also used the same logo font as Vogue did in order to get that professional look. Overall, this was a fun that helped my revise everything that I learned through out the entire semester.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Semester Reflection

         So far, this semester has gone very well in terms of me enhancing my different skills. Last year I was gone for most of video since I was out of the country but I knew that I wanted to go into video since it's something that I am passionate about. We have had a lot of different projects assigned this year from making a cover story on someone's hobby, an interview, covering the blood drive, and making our own ONW Now segment.

         Some key events were interviewing and recording someone else's hobby or interest. This really helped me expand in my skill set and taught me a lot about myself. It was difficult to have a set date on recording since things could go wrong so it's very important to communicate with your partner and having a back up plan. Things going wrong wasn't in my agenda so it was very stressful and nerve wracking. I was mainly nervous for that project since I didn't know what to expect and how the whole process would work out. Another issue was the staff change. Adjusting to these changes was difficult because it felt like we were behind on our projects and since it felt like we were rushed we couldn't come up with quality work.

       It was a little difficult not having someone work with you on a specific project and stand by you while recording, etc... I always like to have someone there with me to make sure that I have gotten everything correct and wasn't messing up on something. I fixed this problem by going through a checklist in my head and making sure that I didn't forget anything. 

       I learned multiple new concepts that I didn't know about last year. I learned about the two third rule and the 180 degree rule. Software wise I learned many different shortcuts that I did not know about before and I also learned about keywording and favoriting clips to make the editing process go by faster. Another thing I learned was collaborating, leadership, communication, time management, etc... These skills are what is needed in order to efficiently work together with a group of people.
My strengths would definitely be leadership, collaborating,  and communication. 

       In order to improve next semester, I plan on managing my time efficiently and making sure that all my work is great quality and would be something that is interesting. I hope to learn different techniques on Final Cut Pro that will make my videos more interesting and entertaining! Overall, this semester has been a great success. I have made a lot of great relationships with the people around me and also with the new teachers that I have met!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Famous Logo

       I created a Domino's Pizza Logo for my Famous Logo. I added a little of a twist to it to make it my own and for it to look original. This was really helpful because it helped me with creating my actual logo. I also created an Instagram logo but with different colors. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

How To (Logo Design)

In order to make a successful logo you have to follow a few steps...
1. Interview someone or be interviewed on the logo design that you/ they want.
2. Start sketching... this will help you make your actual full design! 
3. Go on Photoshop and make your sketches come to life,
4. Make a few or a lot of tweaks on the design depending on if you like it or not. 
5. Make an artboard with the same design but changed up a little bit so that you can design which one you like best.
6. Finally, pick your favorite design and adjust it a little bit and you're done!

Things to remember:
  • Have someone critique your work since they are usually the ones that will be looking at your logo in the first place. 
  • Add color if needed.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Logo Process

                                The first step of the logo designing process involved interviewing someone about their logo designing process. I interviewed Sydney Weeks on what she wanted her logo to be.
 For the second part of the designing process I started with some basic sketches of what I envisioned my logo to look like. The process was a little difficult since my sketches were not exceeding my expectations. The sketching process took about an hour but in the end it was worth the struggle.

The next part of my process included making my sketches come to life. As I was making this I realized that my design looked really bland and dull. I knew that the next thing I needed to do was add color and make it more appealing/ personal.

    As I was getting more inspiration I created different types of logos with different fonts, shapes, and colors.

At the end of the day I came up with this logo. During critiques I was told to incorporate the flowers which symbolize Kansas (where we live) into my design of my name with a line.
After 3 weeks I came up with this as my final logo design. The flowers were put into the end of the line to symbolize where I live. I used skintone colors because I like the simplicity of it and it's very modern which represents who I am. I used my name in all capitals to show that I'm confident, outgoing, etc... My logo speaks for who I am.

        During my meeting with Lofquist, we talked about my Meyer's Briggs results (ESFJ) and we talked about what my strengths were. I learned through observation that I work best with the people close to me and the people that I come in contact with. The factors that I exceed in the most include Communication and Leadership! Through out this semester I learned that I do well with time management and that I have improved immensely with my technical skills.

Painting in Photoshop

        Painting in Photoshop turned out to be a lot of fun! It was interesting to see what I would turn out with when I blended two of the colors together. Also, the different types of tools was a new experience. It was almost as if I was painting in real life with the actual paintbrush in my hand.

Photoshop Masks

         While I was creating these different masks I encountered a few problems. That is including the different projects that didn't include instructions. I solved these problems by collaborating with the people around me and problem solving through them. I learned different techniques like including a clipping mask in a layer and how to make an ombre effect on a piece of corn. I really want to explore different ways to make the font have the background of the picture.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

How To Make Shadows

       Extracting an object can be difficult if you don't know what you're doing. Although, with a tutorial it is easier to try and practice with. Within the depths of Adobe you will find a way to fix the pixel fringe which is very helpful. Fixing the pixel fringe can make your picture look incredibly better and more realistic. Casting realistic shadows can be very easy with a few simple processes. It does take practice to perfect the art of making shadows but with time it should work out very well.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

How To Move Mountains

          The scope of this project was to learn how to use the different tools in order to create a mountain floating in space. The main point of this project was to learn different techniques with different tools in order to incorporate it into your own work. The process included taking the main part of the picture and changing the layers in order to combine it together. I learned about many different tools, that including the Quick Selection Tool, the Layers panel, the refine edge tool, etc... The thing I would do differently would be the way the pixels looked in the pictures. I would want the collaboration and teamwork to be the same. I will use these tools to enhance my next project.