Monday, November 23, 2015

Saving Lives One Drop at a Time

          The scope of this project was to learn backpack journalism. We had to film the semi- annual fall blood drive that took place at ONW. There was a small process that occurred in order to make this successful. First, we had to make two sets of 21 questions from different angles. Second, we had to actually go and film the blood drive. Then, we have to make a script that included a summary lead, a delayed lead, voice overs, and an interview. After we made our script we recorded our voice overs and then we edited the video and published it on YouTube. I learned that backpack journalism can be difficult if you're not organized. You should go in and have a game plan even if you don't know what can happen. You should also know where and where not to film. This can also help you get great footage.

          What I would do differently would be the planning that went into getting shots. Getting someone to be interviewed was difficult if they didn't answer the questions thoroughly and effectively.  The thing that I would do the same was using my time wisely and getting as many shots of different Student Council members as I could. I will probably take the experience of getting rushed and having a short amount a time and apply it to my next projects. Overall, this was an interesting project although it seemed very rushed but it was a great learning experience!

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