Friday, January 16, 2015

6 Shot Sequence

        The 6 shots in the 6 Shot Sequence are Extra Close Up (XCU), it is a brief close up of the hands. The second one is Over the Shoulder (OTS), shows what the person is doing. The third shot is a Close Up (CU), it answers the question- "Who is it?". The fourth one is the Medium Shot (MS), shows what the person is doing from the hips and above. The fifth shot is called the Wide Shot (WS), it shows what the person is doing, but not the entire scene. The sixth shot is called the Extra Wide Shot (XWS), it sets the scene.
         There are a lot of things that I have learned from the 6 Shot Sequence. The first thing I learned is that sequencing can compress time by compressing action. I also learned that wide shots should not go back to back, otherwise it is called a jump cut. The last thing I learned was that for every action there should be a reaction. I will apply the saying that for every action there is a reaction to my next project. I will also make sure that my wide shots don't go back to back otherwise it will make a jump cut.

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