During the process of making my personal logo there were a lot of things that I had changed based off of my sketches to make it look more unique. My sketches were completely different than my actual logo because once I started playing around on illustrator I got some new ideas and created a brand new logo. I tried to make a logo that almost looked like the Target logo until a new idea sparked in my head. A couple of key items that I had changed were the shape, size, color, and font style. Something I changed about the shape of my logo were the ends of the stars. I didn't just want to make it a plain star with my initials in it but instead I just wanted to add my own "twist" to it. Another key item that I changed about my logo was the size of it. I didn't want the font on the inside of the star to come out of the star so I sized it to fit the shape of the star. During this designing process I could have picked any colors but the reason I picked this orange/yellow color was because it almost looked unique and not many people would use it. Last but not least of the designing process I picked the font for my initials. I designed to go with the font called "Zapfino." I really like the cursive detail of the font and thought it went well with my design. Overall I really liked this designing process to make my logo look more unique.
Nice job explaining your creative process. We will get to revisit this logo again at the end of the year. Some things to think about might be the feeling of a hook on some of your "swirls". Your idea about being able to out a "twist" on ideas is perfect.