Thursday, May 19, 2016

2016 Final Reflection (GD)

                       Graphic Design has really opened my eyes to the world of design. The progress that I have made from the beginning of the year to now is incredible to think back to. I was struggling to remember how to work Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and I had to play around with it multiple of times to finally remember how it worked.  I learned about setting goals, meeting the client’s needs, time management, project management, and much more through out my year in Graphic Design. I learned about all of this through the 5 guarantees: technical skills, communication, collaboration, leadership, and management.

            I learned about all of this from Ms. Lofquist, but not just from Ms. Lofquist. I got some major help from my close friends in this class.  One major thing that I have learned about in this class is friendship. Sydney and Alyssa have been some of my best friends in the class. We all have collaborated together on different projects and created some really unique products and projects. I walked into this class knowing only Alyssa and I didn’t even know who Sydney was until she talked to me on the first day and I’m glad that all of us are close friends now. (God Bless that I had them in class).

            All of these skills that I have learned will definitely help me out in the future.  These skills are something that you need in your every day life for and every job that you have.  In your everyday life you see design. Design is what makes this world so pretty and unique. Every time I go somewhere I always take note of the graphic designing on building logos, or on a website. I’m thankful for how much I’ve learned in this class like the elements of designs, and typography, because it has helped me created individual projects on my own time.

            My greatest strengths are project management, collaboration, and leadership. I have always been in class, making use of time in class, etc… My weaknesses include gaining inspiration. This was one of my weaknesses because I wanted to make something unique and original but I soon realized you could still do that by finding something that you can recreate and make unique. I have improved SOOO much from the beginning of the year to the end. My technical skills, and my leadership skills have improved a significant amount and that is something I am extremely proud of.

            I am going to take everything that I have learned about what it takes to make a good logo design and apply it to my real life. I am hoping to make a logo for my dad’s business or another baby shower card for someone. I will be thinking about Graphic Design in my everyday life.

            I would probably change how we got information at the beginning of each project. We should have all the information put up on a board for everyone to look at and reference. The tutorials that we watched helped us all immensely! Thanks Lofquist! Other than that I don’t think that I would change anything. This year went by great since we had an awesome teacher named Ms. Lofquist!

            Overall, I think that I should get an A in this class since I have worked really hard on every project that we have done, I have met the clients needs, and if this was a real job I would definitely get a raise. I am always here in class and I am always making use of my time. This has been such a fun year, especially all of our inside jokes. Thanks for a great year!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Beyond the Attack Act 3

Act 3 of our short film was probably the most dramatic by far. It involved a really dramatic plot twist at the very end and it included lots of different types of shots. I learned a lot from this experience and I worked with an awesome team. We clashed at times (once or twice), but overall we made a very intriguing short film. It could have some work done but other than that it looks solid.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Baby Shower Card

On my own time, I created a Baby Shower card for my cousin in India. She had a template online for a boy so I also added girl colors and added different fonts and style to make the project more visually appealing. I'm so proud of this project since this was the final card that my cousin used and everyone loved it!


E-magine was fun. My favorite award was the Ghost Guys short film. It was so funny and entertaining and creative. I learned a lot about what it takes to win an award and how to track your whole process of creating a project.

Toy Product (Creative TEAM Carton)

For our toy product, Sydney and I created a doll that when comes in contact water, turns into a mermaid. First, we tested out different fonts and colors. We wanted our color palette to represent the sea, and mermaids. Then, we got inspiration from the TV Show, H20 and created a logo. We added roses in the background in order to add a sweet and creative touch.  We worked with clipping masks and rotation tools in order to create our logo. Our biggest obstacle was getting the size of the carton correct since we had a slide in box. We overcame this obstacle by testing out different sizes and we ended up finding a good one. This was an extensive project that took a lot of planning. Our final carton ended up turning out awesome other than the fact that the paper wasn't double sided. When it gets sent off to print it will be printed double sided. 

Tranquility (Basic Carton Skill)

Alyssa and I created a sleeping perfume called "Tranquility." We first created a color palette with different shades of purple. Then we tested out different ideas and patterns for our product. We wanted something simple and not too over the top, but cute at the same time. Some obstacles that we came across were creating the original carton. We overcame this obstacle by asking Ms. Lofquist for help. Before we sent it off to print we had to fix the color to go to the bleed line  and then we had to fix some of the colors to fit the whole carton. The process was of this seemed super complex but was actually very simple and fun to make.


My role during act 2 was mainly script writing and making sure that the filming process went by smoothly. I learned about lots of different shots during the filming process and how important planning is in order to create a successful video. Some obstacles I came through included making sure that everyone was prepared to film everyday and making sure that the audio was on since we primarily had audio issues.  This was so much to film and the end result was so worth all the effort!


For Act 1 of Beyond the Attack most of the film was shot at Olive's House. Most of the main filming was during part 2. This was when most of the drama happened and the climax occurred. I learned about lots of different shots during the filming of Act 1.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Movie Poster

We had to create a Saul Bass inspired poster for our Movie Poster project. Instead of Photoshop or Illustrator we had to use InDesign. This was such an interesting experience since I had never used InDesign before. I had some difficulty operating InDesign but once I practiced with it, it was so simple to use. I learned a lot about bleed lines and the different elements it takes in order to create a successful poster. Overall, this was such a fun project and seeing my poster printed out and finished was so worth all of the stress.

Individual Project

For my Individual Project I created Mug Coasters and a Baby Shower Card. My cousin created a baby shower card from a template online but wanted to add pink to the template since she doesn't know whether or not she's having a boy or a girl. I was really proud of my project since it took a while to create and color in. Next, I made Mug Coasters that I got inspiration from through artists, music artists, and myself. I got different pictures of Van Goghs art and made it into a clipping mask. I also got inspiration from Troye Sivan and made some of his singles into a mug coaster. I used the same font as his album and used the some colors from the art work to create this. The last mug coaster I created was with skin tones. I discovered this idea because I was searching for which skintone matched mine and that sparked this idea. Some obstacles I went through was making a clipping mask. I combined pictures with shapes which made my clipping mask disappear but I got overcame my obstacle by asking Ms. Lofquist for help and then it was really easy to make.